The Role of Illinois Estate Planning in Guardianship

Most tend to think of Estate Planning Lawyer Chicago as nothing more than a means to distribute assets after death. While it's certainly helpful in avoiding the probate process, there are far more serious implications for those with children. Estate planning can help ensure that, in the event of an early death, your children end up with the guardian of your choice.

Illinois Estate Planning and Guardianship

Without a Last Will and Testament the guardianship of your children will be determined by a judge. This judge does not know you, your wishes, your family, or what's truly in their best interest. Instead, he or she will rely on a government-dictated formula to determine who is best suited to care for them. If that person turns out to be someone you would never have chosen to care for your children, then that's too bad. That's just the way the law works.

With Chicago Estate Planning Attorneys, though, you can be certain that your wishes as to the guardianship of your children are clearly spelled out. Don't just dictate who should care for your children, though. Detail exactly why you've chosen this person.

Why It Is So Important to Explain Why You've Chosen This Guardian

Even with a Last Will and Testament, there is still a chance that a custody battle will ensue after your death, especially if any of your children have a surviving natural parent. With proper estate planning in Illinois, you will detail exactly what makes your chosen guardian perfectly suited for the role.

Without these details, the judge will have a far more difficult time deciding who should actually receive custody of the children. This can result in a long, drawn-out process, during which your children may be placed under the state's care. While it's unlikely for these custody battles to take place if neither natural parent is still living, it is always possible.

Imagine, for a moment, that you've chosen your parents as guardians for your children. They are, of course, getting a bit older, and it may be a bit more difficult for them to care for young children. You have chosen them, though, because you feel strongly that they agree with your moral perspective and will raise your children in the same way that you would have.

Your sister, on the other hand, feels that she is the better candidate. She does everything she can to show that your parents are not actually capable of raising young children and claims that she should be the one to receive guardianship. The judge would have a far more difficult time making a decision without the details spelled out in your Last Will and Testament, and there's a chance your children would end up under your sister's guardianship, instead.

Thankfully, with proper Illinois estate planning, these things are far less likely to happen.

Issues to Consider When Working with a Small Business Lawyer

A small business lawyer is a very important “asset” to your team, even if he/she works by retainer. This symbolizes your protection and your full cooperation in keeping your business legal. Now that everyone has equal opportunity to start their own company, courtesy of virtual real estate, many more individuals are considering the hard choice of hiring a small business lawyer to help avoid problems down the road. 

Help in the Beginning

Why do you need a small business lawyer if no one happens to be suing you at the moment?  It’s not just to be ready. Actually, a small business lawyer can help you set up a legal corporation or sole proprietorship and can shield you from taxes and high fees that you are not obligated to pay.  Of course, liability is the most important issue, as a pricey lawsuit (and perhaps a frivolous one) could put you completely out of business. You can be sued for a number of reasons, from a person slipping and falling to a defective food product or even an act of libel. 

In recent years, Internet-based companies have found out just how litigious a person can be when it comes to spreading slander, libel and gossip on the Internet. Social media and other popular websites are also becoming focal points of controversy in recent years, as regards invasion of privacy and libel. Now more than ever, you must brace yourself and tread carefully when it comes to interacting with the public. 

Specific and Localized Information

A small business lawyer can also advise you about gray area issues in specific and localized ways that various legal hotlines simply cannot. What happens if you want to sell the business or start a franchise or change business types? You need a small business lawyer leading the way so that you can make the change professionally, legally and without any holdups.

A small business lawyer should be trained in U.S. business law, and be aware of local regulations. Environmental issues frequently come up, and as a business owner you must be willing to work with the state, while also not willingly covering costs yourself when the situation is not your fault. What happens when employees sue you?  What happens if someone files a complaint, accusing you of a crime?  What if someone wants to buy your business? These are all issues that require the expertise of a small business lawyer, lest you make a big mistake that costs you everything you have.

Qualifications are important, and a small business lawyer should have experience not only in helping business owners, but also in the same industry as you currently work in. As an example, the expertise of a lawyer who works with auto dealerships would be much more helpful to you as a car dealer then hiring a lawyer who works primarily in real estate or industrial production. Choosing the right industry is just as important as credentials, references and court victories. 

It is important to contact and meet a Chicago business attorney as he tells his clients about all legal matters and proceedings that are needed in a new business. Business lawyers in Chicago are of great help for those who do not have any legal knowledge about establishing a new individual business.

What Businesses Need a Chicago Business Attorney?

By now, as you begin your adventure in self-starting and entrepreneurship, you may be wondering if you actually need a Chicago business attorney or if you simply need to be smart about the law.  Should you spend the money on keeping a business attorney on call (which is by no means cheap) or should you simply make safe decisions and call attorneys for legal defense only when needed?

To Hire or Not to Hire a Business Attorney

This is not an easy question to answer, and mainly depends on your budget. Obviously, if you don’t have the money you don’t want to hire a high priced business attorney. However, going on without the counsel of business attorneys just to save some cash may be a misguided idea.  For instance, the issue of liability is a huge one for medium range and even small businesses.  Defective product lawsuits are on the rise, as are malpractice lawsuits and even personal injury cases.  You may figure that if all you have is a store, you’re not in much danger.  However, fires, slips and falls and assaults (that don’t even involve you) can often come back to you and cost thousands of dollars.  Hiring a qualified business attorney is the best way to protect yourself from frivolous lawsuits—and to help you win cases in tough-call lawsuits.

The Advantages of Having a Business Attorney On Call

This is why many businesses simply choose to play it safe by hiring business attorneys upfront.  Besides, people don’t simply hire business attorneys for legal defense. These experienced professionals can also help business owners find tax savings, and legally establish their shop, practice or service so that the state is satisfied.  When the state isn’t happy, you’re the first to know and often times have to pay a huge fine!  Business attorneys can also help you with licensing, permits and other paperwork or “virtual” paperwork you need to keep yourself legal. 

A Business Attorney is a Long-Term Investment

Ultimately, the choice of hiring a team of business attorneys or a single business attorney is a no-brainer.  You always want experienced legal counsel by your side.  However, you should expand your business and your legal options according to your profit.  So an at-home business might not require a great deal of legal service from business attorneys.  Still, once you grow into a franchise and beyond, you will definitely want legal counsel.  The more money you have, the more things can go wrong.   This is why virtually all large corporations keep business attorneys on retainer.

Find a Balance When Searching for a Business Attorney

You always want to find a balance between price and protection when searching for business attorneys. Furthermore, you want to find business attorneys who are experienced, trustworthy and have already worked with clients in your industry. This will ensure that you get what you pay for, and don’t continue making mistakes because of an incompetent or under qualified business attorney. Contact Chicago business attorney for a free discussion of your case!

An Estate Planning Attorney Illinois can help with all the Forgotten Issues

There are many issues that tend to be forgotten in the midst of death and property-asset distribution. Illinois estate planning attorney can help in this regard.  It’s important to remember that this process involves more than just a will. The courts have to be involved so that all matters are officially concluded. 

Estate Planning Attorneys Can Help in Many Scenarios

What are some of the most common situations estate planning attorneys encounter?  It’s not merely families feuding over money.  There are also probate issues to consider, as well as the very real threat of estate taxes which can quickly drain a family’s compensation.  An estate planning attorney can also help you with operating expenses as well as additional court costs and unpaid debt. 

Estate Planning Attorneys Can Help with Financial Woes

What about situations that involve families or an individual who is asset rich and yet cash poor?  The family doesn’t want to inherit the debt, so everything possible must be done so that the debt is relieved.  Estate planning attorneys can help in this regard too. 

Estate Planning Attorneys and Taxes

Another issue that frequently comes up with an estate planning attorney: who of the surviving relatives pays the taxes?  And how do local state laws factor into inheritances and wills?  What about death wishes, burial plans or even life or death medical questions such as comas, blood transfusions or other medical issues?

Estate Planning Attorney and Special Considerations

Estate planning attorneys also care for special considerations such as gay and lesbian couples, or unmarried couples, who want survivorship rights but may face legal obstacles to getting the cash gifts or properties they deserve. 

Contact Estate Planning Attorneys in Your Area Today!

It is best not to fight this battle alone, nor accept whatever is handed to you.  Make sure someone is fighting for you, like an experienced estate planning attorney.  Marc J Blumenthal is an experienced Illinois estate planning attorney who specializes in this field, and has had over 30 years of experience. You can call this estate planning attorney’s office and get a free consultation.  Call us now and see what we can do for you!

A Transportation Lawyer Can Help You Oversee a New Contract

One of the most important reasons to hire a transportation lawyer is so you can create new contracts with suppliers, shippers and other logistical personnel.  You will usually outsource these needs, but if you cannot trust the people you work with you stand to lose a lot of money.  Transportation lawyers can help in this regard, since it is their job to read contracts and to “read between the lines” as regards suspicious wording or unclear language. 

Transportation Lawyers Can Help You Sign a Contract

A transportation lawyer understands the importance of context, and that words or entire sentences can have more than one meaning to different people.  The court has final say in the matter but they take the words of transportation lawyers seriously.  Working with a transportation lawyer from the very beginning will save you a great deal of loss should you ever choose the wrong company.  In fact, transportation lawyers can save you the trouble of signing a bad contract or even meeting with a company that has a bad reputation in the industry.

A Transportation Lawyer Can Defend You or Fight for You

Not only does a transportation lawyer protect you from ambiguous contracts, but he or she can also protect you from lawsuits, or can help you bring a lawsuit in case you ever have damaged cargo as a result of someone brazenly not following shipping orders.  The investment for a team of transportation lawyers is well worth it when you compare how much you stand to lose on a weekly basis.  Transportation lawyers are not just a luxury but a need in today’s complicated market.

Find Transportation Lawyers in Chicago!

Why not contact a transportation lawyer in the greater Chicago area?  You can find an experienced transportation lawyer right away and get a free consultation when you work with the offices of Marc J. Blumenthal!  Marc Blumenthal has worked as a transportation lawyer for many years and specializes in Chicago-based transportation and logistics.

Chicago Real Estate Lawyers Answer the Question, Do You Need Professional Real Estate Help?

How badly do you need the help of real estate lawyers?  You wouldn’t think that a real estate transaction would be so important.  After all, it should be an easy trade.  However, things get rather complicated as the price of the house soars, and when mortgages are literally a sink or swim scenario. 

Why Real Estate Lawyers Are the Best Option

This is why many people choose to work with professional Chicago real estate lawyers who understand the laws and fine print.  A real estate lawyer watches out for your interests and can “translate” documents that may only make sense to a lawyer.  Real estate lawyers often advise their clients that the one paragraph you don’t quite understand is usually the one that gets you into a mess. 

A Real Estate Lawyer vs. Good Buyer Instincts

Sometimes, buyers and sellers avoid hiring a real estate lawyer because they figure they have good instincts about a deal and that the contract is generally “as is”.  They underestimate the power of language, and also overestimate the nobility of their associates. 

Real Estate Lawyers Are the Safe Choice

A real estate lawyer doesn’t take such chances.  He or she not only has an education in real estate, but also continues learning through day to day experience.  This means they are privy to many scams, shady deals and sneaky tactics used by real estate companies and individual sellers.  Real estate lawyers also keep apprised of changing legislation, which can mean all the difference between a solid deal and a major bust.

Real Estate Lawyers Are Worth the Investment

The money you could lose from buying the wrong house, or entering a questionably deal would be much more than the retainer fee charged by a real estate lawyer.  If you are looking for a real estate lawyer in the Chicago, Illinois area, then don’t hesitate to talk to Marc J. Blumenthal.  This 30 year law veteran has experience with real estate and estate planning and is more than willing to fight for your rights and advise you of any questionable contracts.  Contact this real estate lawyer today and tell us your story—for free!

Chicago Estate Planning Lawyers Can Help You Remember Important Issues

Do you need to contact Chicago estate planning lawyer?  It’s so easy to become distracted when death occurs, particularly if it is unexpected.  We react to death emotionally, and oftentimes lose sight of financial realities.  This is why most families hire estate planning lawyers to help them sort paperwork and other legalities concerning property, cash assets, and other health or life issues. 

Common Problems an Estate Planning Lawyer Sees

What are some of the most common problems encountered by estate planning lawyers?  You might be surprised at how many people today do not have a will whatsoever, or at least one that has been officially recognized.  Wills can be forged easily, so some type of legal recognition is required.  Wills are not only about the money.  Sometimes wills can clarify where surviving children are sent to live, and may also discuss burial plans, charity donations and other issues. 

An Estate Planning Lawyer Can Help You with Local Laws

Estate planning lawyers also have to be aware of local laws.  For instance, what becomes of a will that goes against state policy?  What about arrangements that require power of attorney?  There are numerous state laws and even national laws that estate planning lawyers have to be familiar with if they are of any use to a family going through grief and financial problems. 

An Estate Planning Lawyer You Can Trust

Fortunately, estate planning lawyers have the answers and their specific experience in estate planning sets them apart from attorneys and accountants.  Why not consult estate planning lawyers well before there is a problem?  Contacting estate planning lawyers ahead of time, as in well in advance of terminal illness or old age is the best approach.  You can contact one of the best estate planning lawyers in the Chicago area when you give us a call at the offices of Marc J. Blumenthal a veteran of the estate planning practice.  An experienced estate planning lawyer is ready to provide a free consultation right now!